The IMMAJ-PJMCC Foundation, Inc. conducted the IMO Model Course 3.12 Training for Assessors from 12 to 23 March 2018 at the JSU-AMOSUP Mariner’s Home 1765 Vasquez St. corner Nakpil Sts., Malate, Manila.
This course aims to train the attendees on applying international provisions concerning the training, assessment, examination and certification of masters, officers and ratings of merchant vessels. As future assessors, the trainees shall be able to organize, administer and conduct assessments and examinations.
There were 13 participants who attended the training and were facilitated by instructors, CE Christopher P. Maambong and Mr. Dennis G. Tan.
On the last day of the training, 23 March 2018, a simple graduation ceremony for the trainees was held. Mr. Wenifredo G. Sola, IMMAJ-PJMCC Projects Consultant, delivered his message to all graduates and guests. During the ceremony, certificates were also awarded to the graduates by Mr. Sola and Mr. Tan.