The IMMAJ-PJMCC Foundation, Inc. delivered the first batch of Training Course for Instructors known as IMO Model Course 6.09 from 11 to 22 February 2019.
The course was attended by 14 participants from various PJMCC manning companies and aims to equip maritime instructors with the knowledge and skills on principles and theories of learning and teaching, teaching methods, presentation skills, assessment of learning, and classroom management. It also aims to develop positive attitudes towards teaching and learning and enhance understanding of IMO and its contribution to training of the Filipino seafarers.
The 10-day course was facilitated by two (2) instructors namely, Ms. Ana Maria Jasmin M. Sampedro and Mr. Wenifredo G. Sola.
On 22 February 2019, a simple graduation ceremony was held. During the ceremony, the following graduates were recognized for their exemplary performance in the Final Practice Teaching activity of the course:
1. CO Mark Timothy L. Lucañas
2. CO Elbert Lawrence C. Manongsong
3. 1E Peter G. Salas
4. Capt. Patriotico P. Viguilla, Jr.
Finally, Certificates of Attendance were also awarded to all graduates.