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IMMAJ Honors 114 Scholars and Their Families

The International Mariners Management Association of Japan (IMMAJ) through the IMMAJ-PJMCC Foundation, Inc. hosted a luncheon in honor of their scholars and families of the graduating cadets of the 2nd Batch of Aqueleas Class 2017 of the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP). The luncheon was held at the Mess Hall of the Capt. Gregorio S. Oca building, MAAP Campus, Mariveles, Bataan after their graduation ceremony on December 6, 2017

A total of 114 scholars successfully graduated this December from the 2nd Batch of Aqueleas Class 2017. Including the graduates of the first batch, the total number of IMMAJ scholars came up to a strong 170 cadets from the Class of 2017.

IMMAJ-PJMCC Consultant, CE Wenifredo Sola began the program by welcoming the graduates and their families, and introducing the IMMAJ dignitaries, guests and sponsors. Philippine-Japan Manning Consultative Council (PJMCC) Vice President Capt. Teodoro B. Quijano went to the stage and shared his experiences and message to the graduates. IMMAJ Manila Representative Capt. Yasuteru Shigeta who arrived wearing his Captain’s uniform gave his inspirational message. He purposely wore his Captain’s uniform to inspire the cadets to aim for the top. He told them that one day he hopes to see them in a similar uniform when they become Masters of the Seas themselves.

The three distinguished gentlemen then paid tribute to the outstanding students. First called was Gnoa L. Dicar, sponsored by Splash Philippines, Inc. received the Special Achievement Award for MATH 1 with 99.84 grade earned. Second to be called was Ivan Jowell M. Mayuga, sponsored by Eastgate Maritime Corporation was honored Cum Laude with 90.44 grade earned. Next was Neil Anthone N. Gunio, sponsored by Island Overseas Transport Corporation received Special Award for Marine Refrigeration with grade of 99.63. Then was Reymart D.C. Padrid, sponsored by Phoenix Maritime Corporation received Special Award for Marine Refrigeration with grade of 99.50; and last but not least was John Carlo T. Yarte, sponsored by Barko International, Inc. received Special Award for Marine Refrigeration with grade of 99.15.

After the program, the graduates then proceeded to meet their sponsors and principals led by Barko International, Inc., Bridge Marine Corporation, BSM Crew Service Centre Philippines, Inc., Eastgate Maritime Corporation, Grace Marine and Shipping Corporation, IMS Philippines Maritime Corporation, Island Overseas Transport Corporation, Magsaysay MOL Marine, Inc., Maranaw Luzon Shipping Company, Inc., MMSPhil Maritime Services, Inc., Splash Philippines, Inc., Unitra Maritime Manila, Inc., Veritas Maritime Corporation and K Line Ship Management, Inc.


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